Powers of Attorney

At some point during your lifetime, it may be difficult for you to look after your own affairs. By planning ahead and making a Lasting Power of Attorney, however, you can put in place suitable arrangements, which will enable friends, relatives or professional advisors to manage your financial affairs and your welfare.

If you become unable to manage your affairs and there is no Lasting Power of Attorney in place, a friend or relative will have to apply to the Court of Protection appointing them as your "deputy". This procedure is lengthy and costly and is particularly undesirable because, unlike your attorney, your deputy may not be someone that you would have chosen to look after your affairs at a time when you are very vulnerable.

Lasting Powers of Attorney are complex documents which must be registered with the Office of the Public Guardian before they can be used. At Mantins, we can ensure that these are drawn up accurately in accordance with your wishes, properly registered and, if you wish, stored securely with us.

We believe that having Lasting Powers of Attorney in place will help you to have peace of mind about the future. We are happy to see you at your home if it is difficult for you to visit our office.

If capacity has already been lost, and it is therefore too late to make a Lasting Power of Attorney, we are able to make a Deputyship application.