
It is very important to make a Will so that your wishes will be known and can be carried out after your death. If you pass away without making a Will then your assets will be distributed according to the intestacy rules. This outcome does not always accord with what you would have wished.

Even if you have already made a Will, it may have been drawn up many years ago and, again, your assets may not end up where you would have wanted. Your family circumstances may have changed, there may be tax issues that require advance planning or you may require a guardian to be appointed for young children. Furthermore, there may be matters that you just didn’t realise needed consideration.

Our highly experienced solicitors are able to draft Wills of varying complexity to suit your needs and can also assist you with other methods of planning for the future, such as Powers of Attorney.

We want to ensure that your Will is carefully tailored to fit your own unique circumstances and are very happy to meet you at your home if it is difficult for you to visit our office.